City of Atlanta - Quality of Life
Parsons/EGM Joint Venture, Atlanta, GA (City of Atlanta Quality
of Life Bond Program)

Boulevard Lorraine Street

East Wesley Streetscape |

Moreland Avenue Freedom
Traffic Calming |
The Quality of Life Bond Program was approved by the voters of
Atlanta in order to provide for community improvements
throughout the City including sidewalks ,
plazas & green space, streets, bridges, & viaducts, and traffic
control devices.
With increasing urbanization of the areas in and
around the City, there is a pressing need to develop and
preserve areas and transportation ways that encourage
neighborhood livability, pedestrian mobility and a general
improvement of the quality of life in our urban setting. This
bond issue embraces all of these ideals and objectives and
allows the City to utilize this base of funds to leverage
against Department of Transportation, Housing and Urban
Development, and private funding to provide many improvements to
the City's green space and alternative transportation systems.
The following projects have been planned and are underway:
Directs and
manages a multi-disciplinary team in the development of
plans, goals, objectives, policies, and procedures for
completion of the program. Develops project schedule and
budget; review project proposal or plan to determine time
requirements and allotment of available resources to various
phases of the project(s) Facilitation of various capital
improvement projects from design development, managing the
design process of in-house design staff to or outside design
consultants through administrating the construction process
of in-house staff and/or outside general contractors.
Quality of Life bond program-
The following projects have been planned, are underway and are
being managed:
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